
Clothing Rental and Swapping App



2022 - 4 weeks
(80 hours)



Product Designer
UX Researcher
UI Designer

Paper & Pen

01. INtroduction

In the last decade fast fashion consumption has been rapidly increasing and consumers, especially the younger generations, are looking for ways to make fashion sustainable. There are many ways to do this; thrifting, donations, clothing swaps, and even renting. Renting is increasing in popularity and is expected to grow more than 10% year by year until 2027 (FashionUnited, 2021).


Create an end-to-end mobile app that reduces fast fashion waste and can be used for fashion inspiration.


An end-to-end mobile app which allows users to list, rent and swap clothing items. Additionally, you can follow your favorite users for style inspiration.

My Design Process

02. Empathize

We want to know users values and their pain points so that we can design a clothing rental and swapping mobile app.

What do we need to understand?

1. Understand what attracts users to rent/lease items
2. Identify what users want in a clothing rental product
3. Identify potential concerns
4. Identify pain points of users

Secondary Research

Understand the market

Competitor Analysis

Research what the competitors strengths and weaknesses are

1-1 User Interviews

Gain an in-depth evaluation on users' goals, wants, needs, and frustrations

Research Findings

Secondary Research

- Fashion rental is a type of access-based consumption that takes place when people use a fashion good without ownership being transferred (Land and Armstrong, 2018; Yuan and Shen, 2019; Lang et al., 2019, 2020).

- The clothing rental industry was worth a total of $3.9 billion in 2019, with the US and EU holding a combined 80% of the market. By 2025, the industry is expected to have ballooned to more than $7 billion (Statista).

- Fashion rental can be organized either as a peer-to-peer (PtoP) or as a business-to-consumer (BtoC) platform (Iran and Schrader, 2017).

- Users concerns about fashion rental often involved a lack of trust towards other participants, doubts about the hygiene of rented items and fears of damaging them, as well as issues related to the need to give back the chosen garment when it was felt to be yours (Mukendi and Henninger, 2020).

- < 1% of the total US clothing market (according to GlobalData), rentals grew 24% compared to 5% for others (Reuters, 2019).

- The environmental impact of frequent deliveries of rented clothes (Zamani et al., 2017), and increased water and energy consumption for laundering needs to be taken into account in assessing sustainability measures.

Competitor Analysis

1-1 User Interviews

Sales Manager:
31, Sweden

He wants quality items and to be able to book like Airbnb. However, he usually can't find men's clothing on typical rental apps.

Renting is convenient and easy. I get what I want in exchange of money. It depends on the occasion for when I would use renting though."

Design Student:
24, USA

She loves the idea of sustainable alternatives to fast fashion but she's worried about the shipping and washing impact on the environment.

"It's sustainable giving clothes that already exist a use. Save money, unique clothes that fit my personality I dont see on others."

UX Researcher:
24, Sweden

She likes to thrift shop a lot especially at places that she knows has a big variety. My concern would be that my item would be ruined.

"Where do you start in thrift stores that aren't organized, something cool on an app would be organized by style 90s style or western"

Master Student:
23, Sweden

She is on a strict budget  and loves to thrift for environmental reasons and for the adventure. Apps are easier for finding what you want.

"I have not [rented clothing from an app], I love the idea but It always felt kind of expensive for my use."

26, Canada

She used to thrift but got overwhelmed with disorganization. She's used selling platforms but wonders if anyone would want her clothes.

"...the size guide is important... especially reviews with pictures of people wearing the item I can see how it will fit on my body."

Key Takeaways

- Users second hand shop for environmental reasons

- Users want affordable clothing

- Most users want filters and people in close proximity

- 5/5 are concerned about hygiene and their item being ruined

- 4/5 are willing to pay more for luxury items

- 4/5 felt better purchasing secondhand


Define the scope of the project and its information architecture.

User Persona

Information Architecture

Determine the navigation and informational flow on the website.

User Flow

To show the renting process flow with decisions in mind.

04. Ideate

I started thinking about the layout and design of the app.

Wireframe Sketches

I grabbed my pen and paper and started sketching ideas for the screens based on the user research.

Mid-Fi Wireframes

I began creating wireframes of important screens.

UI Kit

I created a brand identity from the ground up.

High Fidelity Wireframes

From my user flow and 1-1 interviews, I identified key moments in the user journey and focused my efforts on the screens that were most important in the renting process.

*images used from NA-KD and Mango

05. Testing & revisions

In order to check whether or not the screens work as intended, I set up a prototype in Maze and conducted usability testing to gain insight on the apps functionality.


I created an interactive high fidelity prototype in Maze to test the usability of the website.

Usability Test


1. Evaluate the usability of the app based on learnability, memorability, errors, and overall satisfaction
2. Observe how the navigation bar is used
3. Observe if/how participants use the filter and sort
4. Evaluate the heat map data of misclicks
5. Uncover opportunities to improve the user experience

Test subject

High fidelity prototype for Mode on Maze


Navigate the women’s knitwear and rent the "House of Sunny" sweater


7 participants: age 24-31 across Europe


- 100% completion rate
- 92% error free rate
- 13/13 participants were able to rent the intended item

Key Takeaways

- Participants like the idea of the app
- Move reviews to a pop up
- Add a filter for availability
- Fix some visual hierarchy in the typography


I used the data from the usability test (affinity map) to create a priority matrix in order to identify which revisions were high priority and focussed on those fixes first.

The main revisions which were feasible for the time constraint.

Final Design

06. Next Steps

The goal of this project was to create an end-to-end mobile app that allowed users to rent and swap clothing with others in the Copenhagen/Malmö area.

Did I solve the problem?

Well I like to think so, I had a 100% completion rate and quotes from usability participants like...

"Your app looks great and I love the concept! I love the look, and the way everything is laid out makes it simple to use and understand. Great work!"
"I think everything was pretty clear! It reminds me of a lot of shopping / second hand apps like plick, depop, with a hint of a social media app flow. So I thought it was very intuitive to use. Good job!"
"I think the overall UI was pretty clean and easily learnable!"
"Honestly, at first glance everything looked really good! Nice job!"

If I had more time...

I would add various features to the app

- Swapping feature
- Elaborate on explore feed (i.e., videos?)
- Incorporate buying

What I learned

Throughout this process, I learned a lot about product design and marketing. I implemented various user research strategies and designed with error prevention in mind. I also learned the importance of balancing user needs with business goals.

What I would do differently

Next time I will...

- spend more time on the early development phase of product creation
- do more A/B testing